
Inclusion Hub

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Engaging the whole community to promote wellbeing
Mental health is a state of well-being is which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” - World Health Organisation. 
At Harbertonford Primary, we aim to promote positive mental health for every member of our staff and student body, we pursue this using both universal, whole school approaches and specialised, targeted approaches aimed at vulnerable students. In addition to promoting positive mental health, we aim to recognise and respond to mental ill health.

By developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health policies and procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for students affects both directly and indirectly by mental health.

With positive mental health we are more likely to be motivated and engaged in our learning, realise and achieve our potential, choose healthier lifestyles, engage in all the world has to offer, shout out when abuse is occurring, seek help when times are tough and recover a sense of well-being and achievement following traumatic experiences.
Inclusion and Improvement Hub
The Link Academy Inclusion Hub supports children and young people who are experiencing social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Our aim is to work with children who are facing challenges which are affecting their mental health and behaviour in school or at home. We offer courses for pupils in Key Stages 1/2/3 and 4 focusing on anxiety, self-esteem and managing big emotions. Our 6 week courses are designed to empower children, parents and their supporting adults to understand themselves, better manage their emotions and promote positive relationships. All courses incorporate the natural environment, creativity, activity and play.
Children's Testimonials
Two of our children recently took part in the Inclusion Hub's Managing Anxieties, run by Nikki Racey.  They developed a real understanding of how their brain worked and why their body reacted the way it did when they were worried.  They explored a range of techniques for coping with anxiety and created their own "toolkit" for managing times where they felt anxious.  Since the course finished, we have seen a real increase in their confidence in handling stressful situations and they have been empowered by the strategies they have developed and the language that they can use to discuss their concerns.
To hear about some of the children's experiences please click on the link below to download a voice recording.