
Vision and Values

Our Ethos and Vision

From the moment children walk through our doors, their lives will be enriched by the experiences they will encounter and the care from the adults that walk beside them on their learning journey.    

By really knowing and caring for every individual in our school we help them to open doors, broaden horizons and succeed.    

We offer our pupils a caring, loving and safe place to flourish; as adults we enable them to be part of our community, making the most of the many opportunities provided at Harbertonford.    

We are committed to developing every child to their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. 

Learn, Live, Flourish 

John 10: 1-10 

Our Christian Values
Teachers, parents, pupils and our School Committee all contributed to the review of our school values through 2017-18. Here are the ones that we decided are core to us at Harbertonford: Trust, Forgiveness, Respect, Friendship (belonging), Compassion and Responsibility.

Our values are supported by teachings and stories from the Bible:
  • Trust – Noah’s Ark Genesis 6-8
    ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart.’ Proverbs 3:5

  • Courage – The Lost Son Luke 15: 11-32
    ‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.’ Corinthians 16:13

  • Respect – The 10 Commandments Exodus 20: 1-17
    ‘As you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.’ Luke 6: 33

  • Friendship (belonging) – 12 Special Friends John 1: 35-49 & Acts 1: 12-26
    ‘This is my command to you: Love one another.’ John 15: 17

  • Compassion – The Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37
    ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’ Mark 12:31 (The second of the 10 commandments)

  • Responsibility – Jonah and the Whale Book of Jonah, Chp 1-3
    ‘For each one should carry his own load’ Galatians 6:5
Our pattern of Collective Worship:
We meet daily for an act of collective worship (CW), which provides an opportunity to reflect and express the Christian ethos of our school. The Open the Book team visit us fortnightly to dramatise bible stories and members of our children’s Ethos Team led some of our collective worship throughout the year.
Monday – Whole school Open the Book or values Collective Worship (fortnightly rotation)
Tuesday – Class Collective Worship
Wednesday – CW through music and singing/Values based whole school Collective Worship (fortnightly rotation).
Thursday – Whole school collective worship with Reverend David
Friday – Whole school celebration act of worship, including pupils’ achievements