
September 2024

Falcon Class have thoroughly enjoyed learning the story of ‘Oi Frog’ over the past couple of weeks and this week were thrilled to become story tellers to create their own versions. They have been very creative with the rhyme and we look forward to sharing our finished ‘Oi…’ silly stories next week. As if this was not enough, we have been exploring a range of different habitats, identifying animals which may live in each. The children created trays to represent a tundra, desert and rainforest habitat and sorted the animals giving reasons for their choices. As Artists, we have begun to explore 3D structures. This week, the children started to experiment with paper to create 3D structures, using taught techniques to join on to a base.  Another fantastic week from Falcon Class.
What another busy week it has been for Falcon Class! This week, the children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the next part in our History learning, as we endeavour to answer the question ‘Who was affected by the Great Fire of London?’ The children enjoyed exploring videos, information pages and quizzes to find out about the events in the Great Fire. They then used their knowledge of Chronology in order to create a time line of the events. In Science learning, we have enjoyed finding out about Microhabitats. We dodged the showers to investigate different microhabitats in our school environment and recorded what plants and animals live there. As part of our RE learning, we have watched the Louis Armstrong ‘What a Wonderful World’ video and explored lots of natural beauty. We thought carefully about what we can be thankful for and why it is important to say thank you. Our ‘Oi Frog’ story unit closed with some fantastic end results and some super innovated versions. Finally in Maths learning, we have continued to developing our understanding of number and place value. We particularly enjoyed exploring number lines and used our Reasoning Skills to build them out of order, explaining how we know. Lots of fantastic learning from Falcon Class!  
Falcon class have had another fantastic week with exploration of diets of different animals and lots of fun and creativity linked to our New York themed day!