
February 2024

In our Science lessons, the Kestrels have been investigating the amount of sugar in different cereals. They researched a range of food labels from different cereal packets and recorded the grams of sugar found in each. They were amazed to see that Honey Nut Cheerios contained nearly 6 teaspoons of sugar per 100g. They plotted the results on a bar graph. 
In our PE lessons, we have been busy building our accuracy skills in volleyball. We are getting very good at serving and returning, our next challenge is to develop back and forth so the gameplay begins to develop. 
In Kestrels we have started thinking about the very puzzling question: Why do we find fossils of sea creatures in cliffs today?
We started our learning about this fascinating question by looking at different maps of the world and thinking about how the world has changed over time. At first some of us thought the map of Pangaea (Earth 250 million years ago) was made up because all the continents we know today were once one big continent with no oceans between them! We talked about how our understanding of the world has changed over time and had some great conversations in our groups about why this might be. We're really looking forward to building on the learning we have already done in Science about fossils!